Curriculum Overview

Ormiston Bushfield Academy is proud to be part of Ormiston Academies Trust.  As such, our curriculum contributes to and is supported by Ormiston colleagues across the United Kingdom with a central Curriculum Statement, which is then localised and personalised to each individual Academy.

Curriculum definition:

The OAT view of the curriculum is that:

  • It is the ‘totality of the experience of the child’ and extends between the ages of 2 and 19.
  • It includes both the formal timetabled curriculum and all the informal learning and development that occurs outside the timetable, including the development of children’s personal, social and cultural capital.
  • Our curriculum maps show how we move our children from a state where they have not acquired specific knowledge, skills, experience and dispositions, to a state where they have acquired these, as part of a learning journey.
  • It involves a deliberate choice to select, from all the possible knowledge, skills, experiences and dispositions, those which we believe pupils should acquire. How our teachers are trained, the materials they use and how they deliver the learning is all part of the totality of the experience.
  • It responds to well-designed assessment which tells us whether pupils have acquired what was intended.

OAT Core Curriculum Aims:

In all OAT schools, the purpose of the curriculum is based on our purpose as a Trust:

Teach – the curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills pupils are entitled to

Develop – the curriculum sets out how pupils will develop socially and emotionally

Change – the curriculum should be designed so that any pupil can excel, so that no one is disadvantaged

The aims for the curriculum also support the OAT values, which are:

Anyone can excel – you don’t have to be exceptionally bright or naturally gifted in order to excel at something. We know hard work, determination and perseverance pay off.

Share what is best – just because something might be hard, it doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. We know it’s okay to face setbacks too – they can make you stronger.

Be inclusive – if you’ve done something or created something others would benefit from seeing or having, you should share it. We know our schools keep getting better when we all share what is best.

Enjoy the challenge – every child and adult should respect and accept that difference is normal, that everyone should be welcomed and included.

Ormiston Bushfield Academy – Curriculum intent and vision

Opportunity – Belief – Aspiration

The curriculum at Ormiston Bushfield Academy is constantly reviewed, adapted and improved to provide our students with an exceptional educational experience.  We are proud of the the formal and wider curriculum we provide for all students at Ormiston Bushfield Academy.  One of our main aims at OBA is to ensure we have an engaging, purposeful and challenging curriculum, that is inclusive of all students.  The curriculum is designed with our students, their needs and future prospects in mind and encompasses everything we at Ormiston Bushfield Academy represent: Opportunity, Belief and Aspiration.

The curriculum embeds these 3 aspects at its core and we are immensely proud of the outcomes of our students both in terms of their academic progress and in becoming independent, aspirational young people who contribute positively to the wider community.

“Leaders have the same high expectations of every pupil, whatever their background. They encourage every pupil to do their best and to model the school’s shared values of ‘Opportunity, Belief and Aspiration’. – OFSTED Inspection December 2019

Curriculum 2022

The Academy follows a 3-Year Key Stage 3 and 2-Year Key Stage 4 programme of study.  This is to ensure that students are equipped with a robust understanding across a wide range of subjects to facilitate successful outcomes at the end of Key Stage 4.  A broad and balanced curriculum is studied throughout Key Stage 3, ensuring that the National Curriculum identified by the government is covered in its entirety. In our commitment to holistic teaching, we also extend students’ learning beyond this expectation; we have designed the curriculum to meet the needs of students in our locality, to address their strengths and areas for development. The curriculum equips our students with compound transferable skills, which are highly desired by local and national employers and HE establishments. 

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Model

Modern Foreign Language222
RE & World Views111
Physical Education222
– Design Technology
– Food Technology
– STEM (Yr 7&8)
– ICT /Dance (Yr 9)

Students in Years 7-9 at Ormiston Bushfield Academy will all follow the same programme of study.  We have 30 lessons per week each of 50 minutes.  Our curriculum gives all students a broad understanding of the knowledge, skills and context that will support them in their academic and social progression into Key Stage 4. 

We have forged excellent relationships with our local primary feeder schools to ensure we are able to plan a structured transition, that considers students varied experiences in Key Stage 1 and 2.  By developing a deep understanding of the expectations and performance of students in Years 5 and 6, in particular, we are able to continue to stretch, challenge and support students effectively when they join us in Year 7.

STEM lessons have been successfully introduced as a rotation subject for both Year 7 and 8.  This is due to the increased demand for skills in STEM related industries and to support the curriculum of Science, Technology and Maths.  This is delivered by subject specialists in a practical and engaging manner that helps build key skills that will support students across the whole curriculum.  The STEM curriculum is a demonstration of our commitment to ensuring that our curriculum is unique for our students, in our local area and matching the needs of local employers.  We work with a wide variety of employers and students enjoy the benefits of the real-world links to industry.  One of our main employer links have donated significant resources for our STEM lab and curriculum in the form of 3D printers, robotics and electronic equipment so that Ormiston Bushfield Academy students are able to experience a STEM curriculum that is inspiring, linked to employment opportunities and stands out from other educational providers in the locality.

We are committed to introducing our students to a varied curriculum, to give opportunities in all areas, develop passions and life long learning.  As is evident in our curriculum model we place high value on Performing Arts and Physical Activity, ensuring that every student experiences high quality, culturally broad opportunities that will develop awareness and appreciation of these sectors.  While the formal curriculum is supported by extensive wider curriculum opportunities in all subjects, both Performing Arts and PE offer an immensely rich, dynamic cultural experience that is open to all students.

Key Stage 4

Students at Ormiston Bushfield Academy are offered a broad and inclusive Key Stage 4 education.  We do not stream students, or limit the range of subjects they can take. Instead, our staff support them to make informed decisions about their optional curriculum that meets the needs of individual students.

The Core Academic Key Stage 4 Curriculum

PSHE1Tutor Time
Physical Education22
Option 133
Option 233
Option 333
Option 433

English: The world of English is broad, diverse and exciting, full of stories and character to learn from and love.  Our English curriculum teaches students to critically analyse what they read and see, while learning to articulate their own ideas in the process.  It is taught by a dynamic and enthusiastic department which is dedicated to bringing the curriculum to life through interactive lessons and various trips such as film tours or visiting the battle fields of Belgium to better understand the context of our war literature.

Maths:  Maths has been given a new lease of life in the digital age, providing us with technology and insights that we use in our everyday life.  Our curriculum builds upon the basics taught in primary school and gives a broad understanding of the different areas of study, such as algebra, geometry and data analysis.  The subject is taught by a team of passionate mathematicians who make use of contemporary methods and initiatives to ignite students’ desire to learn.

Science:  The evolution of the science curriculum has been exciting to witness.  The Science department has overhauled the curriculum to create a seamless 11-16 programme of study.  Time has been spent researching new and exciting lessons using highly academic and interactive resources provided by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institute of Physics.  We have invested in new equipment and have made sure experiments are accessible to all students from the start of Year 7.  Our Science curriculum is supported and extended through the STEM Club and as an overall package provides students with an exciting, challenging and engaging curriculum.

Physical EducationPE provides a range of sporting opportunities which excite, motivate and challenge all students whilst encouraging lifelong participation in physical activity.  The department recognise that a sedentary lifestyle is a major factor in leading to poor physical and mental health within the population of the UK. As such, the Physical Education curriculum is structured to counter this as students will be active for prolonged periods of time during their timetabled lessons and leave knowing how to incorporate regular activity into their daily lifestyles. This allows students to improve fitness and develop the physical literacy and skills such as balance, agility and coordination. 

PSHE:  OBA is committed to ensuring that all students receive a rich and relevant Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum. Some aspects of this are statutory and as an academy, we feel that we have a moral obligation to prepare our students for life beyond education, equip them to be successful citizens, and to make a positive contribution to society.  Students in Year 10 have 1 lesson per week dedicated to developing the essential elements of PSHE, whereas in Year 11 PSHE forms part of tutor time to allow for more personalised, individual support.  PSHE within Year 11 is also supported by outside agencies being brought into to school to work with students for extended time, as part of collapsed days to ensure the depth of knowledge and understanding they acquire allows them to make fully informed, safe and healthy decisions about their future.

Key Stage 4 Optional Curriculum

As students move into Key Stage 4 the curriculum becomes more specialised and both students and parents become part of the decision in choosing which subjects they wish to continue to study. The options process is a very important time in a student’s education and we ensure all students and their parents are fully informed, included and supported in making the correct decisions.  Our curriculum at Key Stage 4 is inclusive of all students, who are able to make unrestricted choices about the subjects they want to study to meet their individual interests, skills and career aspirations.

English Baccalaureate (EBacc): The Department for Education is aiming for a large percentage of students to complete a combination of subjects that makes up the EBacc suite.  In addition to the core of English, Mathematics and Science the EBacc suite includes a Modern Foreign Language plus one of History or Geography.  We ensure that every student has the opportunity to study this combination of subjects, regardless of attainment in Key Stage 2.  Within Key Stage 3 all students develop their learning in all these subjects so that they are able to continue to study them at Key Stage 4 if they so choose.

Optional Subjects:  We have developed a broad and varied choice of subjects that students can opt to continue studying at Key Stage 4.  The current Year 9 options booklet can be accessed on the link belowIt is our intention to ensure that every student enjoys and engages with their own curriculum and we believe that students who are motivated and engaged make better progress towards their end goals.  Students are able to choose from a combination of Academic and Vocational subjects to suit their individual skills, preferences and career aspirations.  Students will study 4 subjects as part of their options which equates to 40% of their overall Key Stage 4 curriculum. This ensures they are able to maintain the balance between breadth and depth, by specialising in areas of interest without limiting the variety of subjects available.

Key Stage 5

Ormiston Bushfield Academy has a dynamic, successful and supportive Sixth Form provision.  We offer students a personalised Post 16 experience where they develop an impressive academic profile and become confident, well rounded 21st century learners.  Our Post 16 curriculum has developed and evolved to cater to the needs of our students.  The curriculum is flexible and personalised.  We offer a variety of Level 3 courses, organised into 3 distinct pathways to ensure it remains specialised and inclusive.  The vast majority of our students’ study 3 subjects at Level 3, but there is the opportunity for the most academically able, to study 4.  We also ensure that we have wide spectrum of Enrichment opportunities that students can take part in to build essential social and employability skills to prepare them for life beyond OBA.  For more information on our fantastic Sixth Form provision please click here.

GCSE options

To find out more information about our GCSE options, read our latest options booklet in the files below: