
“By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail”

This famous quote by Founding Father, Inventor and Scientist, Benjamin Franklin, still rings true today. Here at Ormiston Bushfield Academy, we recognise the importance of developing strong exam preparation skills and techniques to allow all students to achieve the best of their ability.

We’ve also developed a bank of useful resources below.

Please click here to view a comprehensive list of exam board specifications.

Don’t underestimate the importance of effective preparation outside of the classroom. It’s well documented that exercise, nutrition, hydration and a good nights sleep are vital to improving brain function and concentration levels. Don’t believe us? Here’s some useful information and guidance.

  • Exercise: 68% of boys and 41% of girls (13 to 15 year-olds) achieve the recommended 60 minutes per day
  • Fluids: The recommendation is to drink 6 to 8 glasses/day (1.2 litres) to prevent dehydration and headaches
  • Food: Eat a balanced and varied diet. Eat little and often and not after 11pm
  • Sleep: 85% of teens get less than the minimum requirement of 8½ hours of sleep
  • A problem shared: Do not suffer in silence, we have all been there
  • Stress/anxiety: Speak up, we have lots of strategies we can recommend
  • Work/life balance: Be realistic and always leave time for yourself, be kind to yourself, this period of time will come to an end eventually

The following website are useful platforms to support your learning: