The Academy Governors will admit children with a statement of educational needs which names the Academy. This will be in addition to any specific arrangements to specialist provision.
In cases of equal merit, priority will be given to the child living nearest the Academy as measured by a straight line. Distance is measured using the council’s Geographic Information System (GIS) from the seed point located at the child’s home address to the seed point for the Academy (or specifically defined point) using a straight line. The seed point is taken from the Ordnance Survey’s (OS) Address-Point® dataset. It is used to locate individual residential and school addresses using grid references.
Our In-Year admissions are administered by the local authority. For further information, and to make an In-Year Admissions application, please visit the Peterborough City Council Admissions Website.
For Admissions queries, please contact Suzanne South via email ([email protected])
The Academy holds open evenings annually in the first term of the Academic year. Further details about these events including dates and times will be published on the Academy website home page and social media channels at the start of the Academic year.
The deadline for Year 6 applications is 31st October 2024. The places will be offered by 1st March 2025.
Please click here to visit the Peterborough City Council admissions web page for further details.
The published admission number PAN for entry at Year 7 is 210
In Year Admission Appeals – All other appeals will be heard within 30 school days
For further information, please contact Suzanne South ([email protected]).
All students on the academy’s roll in year 11 will be entitled to continue their education at the Academy into year 12 provided they meet the minimum criteria for any course/s they wish to follow.
External students will be admitted into year 12 or 13, if the capacity is not reached by internal students. In this case, applications from individual students who meet the minimum criteria for their preferred course/s will be considered.
The academy will publish specific criteria in relation to minimum entrance requirements for the 6th form and for the range of courses available based upon GCSE grades or other measures of prior attainment. The criteria are the same for internal and external students. These will be published on the academy website on the online application page for post 16 students available at
The external PAN for both years in the 6th form is 20.
Where the academy determines that there are one or more vacancies, an offer of admission to the relevant year group will be made in respect of all applications subsequently received up to the limit of available vacancies
OBA will first accept all students with a statutory right to a place at the academy through a statement of special educational needs naming the academy. After this the following criteria will be used